Monday, November 16, 2009

Exercise or not to?

Hello, free world!

Now let's get to action!

Is exercise good for you ? How much should you do it?

Well, if you are living a normal adult life as I do, you don't have much time for that kind of luxury, necessarily. Which means that you might be tempted to "squeeze in" some time for exercise as many fitness gurus would suggest you.

I will just talk a little about my latest experience. I have been travelling the world for the past few months. Which means you don't really get much exercise other than walking or occasional skiing or swimming (or some bed exercise maybe). Life slows down when you travel kind of too.

It has shown me also that exercise can be slow and yet effective - like

1. Walking. We are built and engineered to walk. This is the best overall daily exercise you will ever get. and there is many different variations of it, you cannot get bored.
2. Bodyweight exercise. You don't need any equipment, just crank out pullups, pushups and situps, yoga, pilates and there is so many more that you never will need weights in your life.
3. Bicycling, rollerblading etc.

Try these and you will be as fit as a fiddle if you're not at the moment.

Talk soon,

Am I a writer?

Hello, free world!

Today I am also going to talk a little about the topic of writing.

Writing. Writing versus reading...

I have been reading for the most of my life. Thousands of books, articles and magazines. Have been reading and watching the pictures. This has given me some idea of what other people and cultures are like and to be able to understand them more.

But writing is a completely different matter. How it is different, you ask?

To write, it does help to be well-read. It helps a lot, actually. Like being able to cover a larger audience - is just one good example.

5 minutes of writing will tell more about you than 5 hours of reading. It's like SLAVE LABOR and REAL WORK. You could even compare it like that. One is feeding on other's instructions and soaking up other's ideas, without thinking for yourself really. But when you try to write, you suddenly also start to think for yourself. And it may not be easy. You may despair, even as I do sometimes.

You not only start to think for yourself, you also start to think for others - that is what really matters. You start to think about how others will benefit from what you have to say. You become more mature all of a sudden as well.

For one thing - I know many people who don't read at all, even less write something meaningful. But they may have good lifes without reading a book in their lifetime. They read the book of life and they write the book of life, as well, maybe.

But, let's get back to us, book geeks. We know we like to read. We know that. We are like sponges for information. We like to know things. We like to know stories. We like to be smart. And it is a good thing.

But, when it comes to writing, to giving back to society, it is often quite a different story. Internet is a very good way of starting your career as a writer, indeed. Even if it is just giving back to community, as in forums, it still makes you a giver, not just a taker and user of other's ideas. It gets you involved.

Having a power to write or being a writer historically was a sign of nobility. It meant that you are either a king, a priest, or close to one of them. And it was a sign that you are a member of high standing in society. So, it has always been a noble thing to do. Remember this and have fun while writing on the keyboard of our modern-day computers!

For starters, you could just write a forum or blog response, then go baby steps and create a small how-to article on something you feel you are competent in. Then go from there and let me know of results.

Talk soon,

Success and money

Hello free world!

This is going to be interesting... I know many of you are drooling already.

So, do those things always go together, hand-in-hand?

Often they do, actually. At least if you read from left to right...

I tend to think of success as something that you achieve (using your talents, skills, body and mind) and money as something that society gives you meaning to reward you by it's standards of achievement.

So, REAL SUCCESS, in my humble opinion, is not really about money at all. It is about progression, development of whatever you are born with and taking yourself to new levels. Money may be involved, but it is not the key either to life or to success in general.

Success follows hard work? Some people may say that and that is true as well if you ask me. But you also have to work smart and work right and work CORRECTLY in order to achieve.

You may slave away for centuries and not get very far, except for developing a sturdy attitude maybe which is not always healthy necessarily.

On the other hand, you may actually WORK for 5 minutes and get further than all those centuries. It is about the quality and type of work you do. One of these examples is debasive, the other creative.

In modern society, many of us are still slaves. People often dont think for themselves, which indeed is a hard thing to do sometimes, and often there is even not much time for that as people rush from home to work or from job to job.


To start with, you could go camping for a couple days, to get rid of everything that is artificial and outside influcen. Even cell phone networks have their magnetic fields which can be heavy on our bio-fields. Once you are down camping, you realize that life is not about money or high social status necessarily. Basic survival shows you what's really important. You learn to do away with things you don't need and just keep the basics, you purify actually.

That is one of the reasons why country folks often are much more happier than "citizens" are. They may not have more money or more friends or flashier clothing, but still - they often are happier. Try it and see for yourself if you havent't been in touch with nature for a while!

Talk soon,

Strength or patience - which is better

Which is stronger?

Bodybuilder, powerlifter, track n field runner, marathon runner.

Who is strong? What strength is? What does it mean to be strong?

These all are interesting questions. What does it mean when somebody says you have to be strong?

Lately, I have got rid of the concept of strength. It does not matter to me. Because there is something much more powerful in my humble opinion. And this thing is - patience.
Patience is often key to everything. Basically, it means lasting strength. Strength for short periods of time is no strength at all. (Think powerlifter). It means nothing to more mature people.

So, patience is a more lasting type of strength. Now my tone is on one hand like an exercise scientist, on the other hand it's just my philosophical side talking.

Patience is key to everything in REAL life. Strength athletes don't really have REAL lifes. They live into pretty small and controlled environments, often controlled by their coaches, so they have an imposed kind of discipline. Like my father used to say - to have discipline, you must go to the military. They impose discipline on you. It is their system, not yours first of all. Their success, their results, their happiness not yours.

We are talking about your life here, the way you want to be and achieve, not how others would like you to be. YOU WANT TO BE FREE (of course, if you do, like me) from too many limitations imposed from the outside to be happy.

So, choose your own life and exhibit your own discipline with it. Choose your own path and exhibit patience and persistence with it. Don't live by limiting beliefs of others that your upbringing or education system may have imposed (think Einstein who dropped out of school at a young age - a prime example of excellence).

Be brave to choose your own path and go with it. Put 'em blinders on! You need just a little courage and a good blinders.

Look what leaders do. Look at how the presidents and kings are and have been in all ages, learn from their footsteps. They may not have been perfect but you still can learn a lot.

They choose their path and then follow it (sometimes they have to do it until they die, it's like marrying with your path and making it a destiny).

it all also has to do with patience. This is key when it comes to success, I will reiterate it again and again.

Until next time,

Nature and it's happenings

Hello, everybody!

I would like to talk a little about Mother Nature!

You may have noticed that my writing style is quite unique. If that upsets you in any way or on the other hand, you like it, please don't hesitate to leave comments.

This is actually a huge topic. I will cover just a small facet of Earth's personality today.

When you observe nature, calmly and quietly, you may start noticing so many different things. It is limitless, yet there is some limits and rules which are being obeyed.
You may have learned about nature in school, as in physics class you had to probably.

She is kind to those who are kind to her. And she is patient as well. You can do harm to her and she will not while, but surely she will retaliate in some way or another. Remember, Earth is a bigger ball than you are! Meaning also more powerful than you. Harnessing those powers may be possible, but never completely.

By learning about our own nature, we learn about Mother Nature as well. So therefore, to understand ourselves more, it follows that we can observe nature and vice versa.

Many of the scientists of the previous eras were just quite observers at first and then upgraded to taking note of things and occurances and it went from there. It all starts with a flame of interest and fire in their soul.

So let's respect our dear beloved Mother and see what good things she has in stash for us!

Until next time,


The importance of being spiritual

Many of us have a religious family and/or upbringing. As well as me. My mother always has encouraged me to go to churches and I even attended a Sunday School, until once I was wrongly punished by a sunday school teacher, which happened to be our pastor. For doing everything right, which was a complete turn-off at the time.
So for a while, actually for several years, I was completely turned off Religion and idea of God and Jesus.

But yet, after some time, I found that Bible says something right, that there is some words of wisdom in the ages-old book. It is kind of like instruction for life if there is such, written by wise people. It may not be translated 100% correctly necessarily, but the bits and pieces are still there. And quite often, they are put simply as welly, you just have to get it. It may take tome and experience (you understand more if you are more experienced in life- not necessarily older).

So, yes. Bible is the book of books, in the Western world at least. It gives simple instructions for life which hold true most of the time. And it contains age-old wisdom to learn and gain from.

So, use this excellent source and learn from it!

Talk soon,

The length of the posts

The reason I try to keep my posts not longer than a couple hundred words is that my idea with starting this blog is to put you in the right direction.

Using short, yet effective wording, I am trying to guide you in the right direction, take your mind in my hands (metaphorically speaking) and just assign a good direction to it.

I am also trying to keep it simple (although being an ex science-geek it may not be too easy sometimes) and easy on your head at all times.

Life should be simple, and I do not want to complicate it more for you. I just want to help you guys as well as myself (we must do it together) to make ourselves and this world a better place. Of course, at times, we have to also coexist with each other.

I am trying to bash your belief system with my own beliefs, and see which one is stronger. If that is what I am doing, tell me to stop. Actually I try to find out the best way to get you on fast and solid track to success, working efficiently towards a better life (which is good for everybody I suppose).

Talk soon,

Being a leader

On Being a Leader

To be a leader of anybody else, you will need to learn to manage yourself first of all. This may take some time and there is some discipline usually involved usually as well.

Leadership comes with experience of leading - first yourself, then others. The more you do it, the better you will eventually become at this. Start small, work up to larger and bigger projects.

You can start by recording your deeds, be it a notebook or computer. Management of time and resources is a very important quality of being a leader. And also taking note of results. This is something that has helped me a great deal as well. (Usually I talk mostly from my personal experiences here anyways).


1. IS responsible.
2. Is filexible/adaptable to different sets of events and circumstance.
3. Knows how to govern his time and resources.
4. Is mature, knows how to contain their emotions and keep their cool.
5. and more...

Talk soon,



A little on the topic of mystery.

If you want to be interesting to people, be a little mysterious...try it and see for yourself.
Learn to handle the differences, learn to be different and unique and everyone will notice you.

There is definitely some kind of pressure involved in being "the white sparrow in the flock", but once you learn to become comfortable with it, you will reap benefits big time. This is what my life has been like, which is the reason that I feel entitled to talk about the topic at least a little.

I've always been an outsider, yet really not outside of the groups I've been part of (and usually they have been not the smallest).

I have learned to enjoy being this way. So you can, too. And if you feel different and not understood, remember - you are definitely not alone in this world like that.

Learn to enjoy the differences. Be patient until somebody actually recognizes what good qualities you have instead of trying to make fun or ostracize you.

Talk soon,



Let's talk about another favourite subject.

In the past, many told me that I have everything to succeed. But lack one thing and that is the ability to concentrate long enough on something to see the results. That could still hold true to date sometimes, actually.

With the right type and amount of concentration:

1. You can start a fire, using sticks.
2. You can earn a million dollars, if that is what you're after.
3. You can become a President.
4. You can do anything you want in this world.

My idea for anything is - just try and see what happens. Do your thing, and watch for results. They will come, large or small, one way or another, but the repercussions will be there. Just record or take note of them and correct your course.


That is a good formula to success..

1. Concentrate on something, one thing at a time, for long enough to see some kind of results.
2. Take note of any results, record them, put them on paper or computer screen.
3. Do more of the thing that brings better or more desirable results.
4. Keep doing that until you get as far as you need to.
5. Don't overstrain yourself in the process, take it easy when the ball starts rolling, go on high gear.
6. Enjoy the results and don't stop!

PS.S. Report me back if you find this simple formula useful as I have in my life!

talk soon,

Wisdom and faith

We do need wisdom to succeed in life. As well as well as faith.

Let's break down both of these things a little.

Wisdom is something that years of life award you with. Usually comes in with gray hair and wrinkles. You can be lucky if you have wise grandparents or an uncle. For many of us that is not the case necessarily, though. You have to learn your own system of wisdom or sagacity as it is called sometimes. Something deep and lasting and true.

You can turn to old books, as Bible and Coran for words of wisdom and for the most part you might find after time that they are true also in your life.

One of the simplest pieces of wisdom could be a well-meant advice from a friend or a family member. That can be appreciated very much at times.

Get wiser is the best choice. WORK HARD, BUT WORK SMART AS WELL.
I would add - WORK RIGHT.

Have the right intentions to set out with. You should want to do some good to the world or at least some people around you, then success will take you by storm, pretty much. You will be able to ride the horse, not just walk.

Or, if you are lucky (and possibly a surfer) you will be able to surf.

Talk soon again,

Success and happiness, part 1


You see, I have talked about this before already. And I will talk about it more.

Whenever I have an idea, I will immediately create a blog post, here or at another place, but I will do it. I have to share them or let them go. I prefer the first choice.

Today, for example, I haven't done much myself. I cooked my breakfast, I did some physical exercise and that is about it. And now I am writing and trying to provide value and give back to society.

I would like to give you some ideas to think about today!
I believe ideas are floating in the air at all times, you just have to "tune in" to the right subject and they will follow you like a swarm of sorts.

Todays big idea IS!

DON'T WAIT FOR EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCE TO START GOING TOWARDS YOUR GOALS. You create your realities by yourself. You are the center of your universe and everything else is less relevant. DON'T WAIT FOR THE PERFECT WEATHER TO SET IN BEFORE YOU SOW, OR REAP.

Do something today! Do something now! Do something! Follow your dreams, please.

I will try and encourage you every day with at least a couple lines, as well, so you have something to hold onto through the course of the day.

Social intelligence

We all need a good, healthy social network in order to succeed in life.

I am just a simple person. And I will also be trying to write in layman's terms, yet with a touch of nobility in my words. Of course, if you don't or rather do like something I post, you can leave comments and criticise and bash. I have to admit, I am ok with little word wars sometimes.

S0, yes. As the topic suggests. We do need a healthy social network in order to survive, thrive and succeed in our lives. For me that is true as well (everything I post is somehow related to me or my own revelations or ideas about life, world, people and universe - trying to put it as simply as possible for you to grasp every bit and piece I am putting out here) as I have been an outsider for a large part of my life.

You can strive in your life alone, you can succeed alone and often it is the best way (as in individual sports, where you get all the rewards you have worked so hard for, this is pretty much the kind of sports I have done anyways).

But at some point in life you may find out that even a king or emperor needs his court people and even rivalling countries to shine and be his best.

You may have no friends, but there is so many worthy rivals and competitors to consider, compete, learn and benefit from. ("I don't need no friends, I came in this world by muscle", don't remember who said this but that was a good quote).

You see, I always talk in terms of evolution (it is my favourite subject). I also talk a lot about myself, as I am pretty egocentrical, very focused on myself. But this is exactly how you find out also about others and the world as a whole - by finding out about yourself, you learn more about the outer world as well.

Internet is a good place for social networking. Although may not be the best for full human contact, it still is an excellent place for establishing preliminary links and maintaining existing real contact as through email and skype.

OK, I feel I am running out of gas at the moment. So I talk more later,

How to set yourself straight and hard on the path of success!

This is something very serious for me. I have been studying the reasons for success for a while already. You know, all the success books and such. But, most importantly, I have been observing my own life, close up and personal as it can get.

This is a very, very favourite subject of mine really. I hope you can relate to some extent and/or benefit from this article as well. ( I don't do this for myself only, I care about you guys, too)

One of the most important concepts to grasp here probably would be that success:

1. Builds on previous successes, it's like going on a certain path, but also having some kind of map in either your head or in your hands.

2. Is relative. The point you are right now is relative to all the other locations and/or states in the universe.

3. Is a process. You know the feeling when you are pumped, when you KNOW THAT YOU ARE ACHIEVING. And it is the best when you do and achieve on your own, your own terms, unrivaled, uninfluenced, unswayed by others, especially those who get knowhere with their lives and then get jealous when others are bright achievers.

4. Should not ever end. Continuing the previous point. This is a process, a fluid state you should be in, like a train that does not stop or an eternal engine even (I love physics). Nothing should really set you back, you might adjust your course a little bit, that's about it. (think a horse with blinders on if you cannot otherwise).

So yes, I have enjoyed some forms of success in my life. Previous successes give you confidence, grounds (or platoes, metaphorically speaking) to fall back on, confidence in your abilities and personal power as well as faith and discipline needed for future successes.

Let's talk a little about distractions!

They are everywhere. You see them, you hear them, you feel them. If your vision is not strong enough, you will not succeed past average.

If you do want to be great (above average at least), you will have to choose to sacrifice, not to fall into the many temptations that will inevitably arise as you walk your way. Call it carrying the cross of your choice or something like that.

So, choose your destiny wisely!

Talk more soon,

The world is changing

Hello everybody reading my first entry in my new blog!

As you can see, the world is changing, and it also happens at ever-increasing rate as never before. Latest developments in the world have reached such momentum that it might get a little confusing.
What is going to happen next? Everyone wants to know that, right?

I will not delve into methods of event anticipation right now, let's just consider a few facts in this article.

So, let's get down to business.

This blog is going to be pretty much about the world and it's important events and milestones, namely:

1. Politics.
2. Science and the newest developments.
3. Economical situations of the world.
4. Cultural differences.

The reason I start this is to shed some light in the world of confusion that is reigning at the moment for many of us. I would like to set you (as well as myself) hard on a path to future health, financial success, overall happiness and well-being.

Myself I have been studying information science. I have been involved in this business for a while, many a time behind the scenes.

As you see from the name of the blog, the reason for this to be in existance is to help you see further, it may be like putting on a pair of glasses or taking a good set of binoculars (or even a telescope for some).

I would like to share a part of my hard-earned knowledge with you (it's all about sharing in this world) and make some of your lifes at least a little better and more hopeful and such (in short, inspire words of wisdom, courage and inspiration)

Talk more soon,