Monday, November 16, 2009


The importance of being spiritual

Many of us have a religious family and/or upbringing. As well as me. My mother always has encouraged me to go to churches and I even attended a Sunday School, until once I was wrongly punished by a sunday school teacher, which happened to be our pastor. For doing everything right, which was a complete turn-off at the time.
So for a while, actually for several years, I was completely turned off Religion and idea of God and Jesus.

But yet, after some time, I found that Bible says something right, that there is some words of wisdom in the ages-old book. It is kind of like instruction for life if there is such, written by wise people. It may not be translated 100% correctly necessarily, but the bits and pieces are still there. And quite often, they are put simply as welly, you just have to get it. It may take tome and experience (you understand more if you are more experienced in life- not necessarily older).

So, yes. Bible is the book of books, in the Western world at least. It gives simple instructions for life which hold true most of the time. And it contains age-old wisdom to learn and gain from.

So, use this excellent source and learn from it!

Talk soon,

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