Monday, November 16, 2009

Success and happiness, part 1


You see, I have talked about this before already. And I will talk about it more.

Whenever I have an idea, I will immediately create a blog post, here or at another place, but I will do it. I have to share them or let them go. I prefer the first choice.

Today, for example, I haven't done much myself. I cooked my breakfast, I did some physical exercise and that is about it. And now I am writing and trying to provide value and give back to society.

I would like to give you some ideas to think about today!
I believe ideas are floating in the air at all times, you just have to "tune in" to the right subject and they will follow you like a swarm of sorts.

Todays big idea IS!

DON'T WAIT FOR EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCE TO START GOING TOWARDS YOUR GOALS. You create your realities by yourself. You are the center of your universe and everything else is less relevant. DON'T WAIT FOR THE PERFECT WEATHER TO SET IN BEFORE YOU SOW, OR REAP.

Do something today! Do something now! Do something! Follow your dreams, please.

I will try and encourage you every day with at least a couple lines, as well, so you have something to hold onto through the course of the day.

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